Moment of Truth

I know it’s hard to beleive that I would be avoiding conflict.  I love working stuff out and for opinions, even ones that differ from own, to be expressed but today I felt convicted about something and thought I should share it here.  It’s not just the babies that keeps me from voting democrat.  I work for a ministry that offers hope to the sexually and relationally broken.  This includes those who don’t want their feelings of same sex attraction.

There.  I said it.  I was nervous the whole way through but I did it.  Now, my main concern here would that certain individuals would take this confession of mine and make it to mean that there are people in this world that I consider less than.  This is not true.  I know that we as human beings bear the image of the Uncreated and it is for this reason that I devote my time to reaching out to those in need.  To those that have been abused, raped, beaten, divorced, abandoned and cast off by the rest of society, those who men turn their faces from.  It is for this reason that our lives have been laid down for the cause of helping those that the world says don’t need help.

No matter the struggle, whether it be addiction, SSA, adultery or whatever there are people in our lives each one of us who are hurting and dealing with issues that are dark and shameful.  They should have a place where they can go and be safe.

~ by skoobiandmister on February 21, 2008.

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